Home Learning for Friday 23rd February


Hello everyone!

Welcome back! We are ready for another fun filled half term. Hopefully you received a curriculum newsletter this week with the information about our new learning journey. It's going to be a busy time! Don't forget the important dates for this half term...

Over the half term, children will be making a range of artefacts and we will be displaying these in a class museum in the penultimate week. We would like to invite you to come and look at our museums once they are done. You can either come and visit at 3pm on Monday 18th March, or at 8.30am on Tuesday 19th March. We look forward to seeing you then!

On Wednesday 27th March we will be celebrating all of our learning about monarchs with a Kings and Queens dress up day. On this day we would like children to pick a real king or queen to dress up as. They can be from any country and any time period in history or the current day. You can still wear your Disney princess dresses, but we’d like you to pretend to be someone real rather than fictional. Some current royals even wear ‘normal’ clothes, so you might not need a fancy dress costume at all. The important thing is that the children find out about a real king or queen and can tell us about who they are when they come into school. 

Thursday 7th March is World book day and you can come to school dressed up as a book character!

Here are your activities for this week...


As always, please read every day. This might be your reading book from school or a book from home. Don't forget, you can also log on to bug club phonics. 



This week we have been spelling words where the letter y makes an 'igh' sound. Here are the words for you to practise this week...

cry, fly, dry, why, by, July

Don't forget that there are lots of ways to practise your spellings in a practical way rather than just writing them with paper and pencil!!!


This week we have been solving multiplication calculations.

If you want to see the methods that we use for multiplication and division, there are some videos here that you can watch. We will be practising these over the next few weeks at school so using these methods at home will help!

Here are some games that you might like to try once you've practised some multiplication and division at home...




For the fishing game you will need to choose which skill to practise. In school, we have only learnt the 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables, so choose from one of those!


This week's task

This week we have learnt about three very important Queens. Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. We would like your child to choose one of them and research more facts about their lives. If you'd like to email us some of the things you find out, then we'd love to hear from you! (year2@whiteleyapps.com)

These links might be useful;

Queen Elizabeth I


Queen Victoria


Queen Elizabeth II



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